英文單字:道教與廟宇 English Taoism and Temple Vocabulary
一、儀式 Ritual
- 安太歲 Appeasing Tai Sui
- 驅邪的法師,驅魔者 exorcist /ˈek.sɔːr.sɪst/ someone who forces an evil spirit to leave a person or place by using prayers or magic
- 通靈的、有特異功能的人 psychic /ˈsʌɪkɪk/
- 超自然的 supernatural
二、陣頭 Zhentou / leader of the parade
- palanquin
- 舞龍舞獅 Dragon and lion dance
- 鞭炮、煙火 Fireworks
三、神明 The Deity
- 神 deity/ˈdiː.ə.t̬i/ A deity is a god or goddess.
- 釋迦摩尼佛 Sakyamuni Buddha
- 藥師佛 Medicine Buddha
- 阿彌陀佛 Amitabha
- 元帥 Marshal
- 將軍 General
- 大帝 Emperor
- 十八羅漢 18 Arhats
- 菩薩 Bodhisattva
- 尊王 Honorable King
- 地藏王菩薩 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
- 七爺 & 八爺 7th Master & 8th Master
- 三官大帝 Emperor of the Tree Realms
- 三太子 the third prince
- 媽祖 Mazu
- 順風耳和千里眼 eyes that see a thousand miles and ears that hear upon the wind
- 守護神 Patron God
五、廟宇 Temple
- 香爐 incense burner
- 筊杯 divination blocks,擲筊的動詞用throw
- 神籤 fortune stick,抽籤的動詞用draw
- 碑文 inscription
六、道教 Taoism
- 陰曆 Lunar year
- believer 宗教信仰者;信徒 /bɪˈliː.vɚ/ A believer is someone who is sure that a god exists or that their religion is true. Synonyms: follower, supporter, convert, disciple. opposite: non-believer, unbeliever
- curse 詛咒、咒語、說咒語、施魔咒 /kɝːs/
- spirit 精神、鬼魂、幽靈 /ˈspɪr.ət/
an evil spirit 惡魔 - evil 邪惡的,惡毒的、邪惡之事、罪惡行為 /ˈiː.vəl/
- deed (尤指很壞或很好的)事情,行為 /diːd/
- faith 某一宗教、宗教信仰 /feɪθ/
- :
- :。
- Santaizi
- Worshipper 信眾,worship v. 崇拜,膜拜
- participant
- talisman 符
- eight general 八家將
- contact with the deceased loved ones 觀落陰:
- : 庇護人,恩人,
- Mecca: 宗教聖地麥加。用以比喻其他有名宗教聖地。
- Taoism: 道教,普遍
- paper money / joss paper /
- 線香 incense stick
- burn the incense
- Buddhism: 佛教,不燒香不燒金紙,一種近似哲學的宗教,講究因果輪迴,來世再生,苦行僧的概念。
24.Buddhism: 佛教,不燒香不燒金紙,一種近似哲學的宗教,講究因果輪迴,來世再生,苦行僧的概念。
25.The leader of the parade( Zhentou): 陣頭¸傳統的表演藝術,
26.Sedan chair : 神轎
27.無神論者 Agnostic, 不相信神論者Atheist ,多神論者Pantheist
28.joss paper/ ghost money / spirit money :紙錢、金紙
burn joss paper 燒紙錢
31.divination blocks:筊杯
First, you have to introduce yourself, then you ask god a question and throw the divination blocks. They’ll tell you if god allows you to draw a fortune stick or not.
You’ve got a Shing-bwei, which means god has allowed you to draw a fortune stick. After you draw your stick, you’ll get a slip of paper. The poem printed on it will answer your question.
divination 意思是「占卜;算命」,block 則是指「塊狀物」,divination blocks 直翻就是「占卜用的塊狀物」,在此指的就是廟裡兩塊紅色半月形的「筊杯」。而「擲筊」動詞通常搭配 throw。
Drawing fortune sticks is a traditional fortune-telling practice in East Asia.
32.food offerings / sacrificial offerings 祭品
33.altar 祭壇
34. (n.)
35.死後(靈魂)的生活 afterlife /ˈæf.tɚ.laɪf/ the life, for example in heaven, that some people believe begins after death