英文單字:道教與廟宇 English Taoism and Temple Vocabulary

5 min readSep 12, 2020


一、儀式 Ritual

  1. 安太歲 Appeasing Tai Sui
  2. 驅邪的法師,驅魔者 exorcist /ˈek.sɔːr.sɪst/ someone who forces an evil spirit to leave a person or place by using prayers or magic
  3. 通靈的、有特異功能的人 psychic /ˈsʌɪkɪk/
  4. 超自然的 supernatural

二、陣頭 Zhentou / leader of the parade

  1. palanquin
  2. 舞龍舞獅 Dragon and lion dance
  3. 鞭炮、煙火 Fireworks

三、神明 The Deity

  1. 神 deity/ˈdiː.ə.t̬i/ A deity is a god or goddess.
  2. 釋迦摩尼佛 Sakyamuni Buddha
  3. 藥師佛 Medicine Buddha
  4. 阿彌陀佛 Amitabha
  5. 元帥 Marshal
  6. 將軍 General
  7. 大帝 Emperor
  8. 十八羅漢 18 Arhats
  9. 菩薩 Bodhisattva
  10. 尊王 Honorable King
  11. 地藏王菩薩 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
  12. 七爺 & 八爺 7th Master & 8th Master
  13. 三官大帝 Emperor of the Tree Realms
  14. 三太子 the third prince
  15. 媽祖 Mazu
  16. 順風耳和千里眼 eyes that see a thousand miles and ears that hear upon the wind
  17. 守護神 Patron God


五、廟宇 Temple

  1. 香爐 incense burner
  2. 筊杯 divination blocks,擲筊的動詞用throw
  3. 神籤 fortune stick,抽籤的動詞用draw
  4. 碑文 inscription

六、道教 Taoism

  1. 陰曆 Lunar year
  2. believer 宗教信仰者;信徒 /bɪˈliː.vɚ/ A believer is someone who is sure that a god exists or that their religion is true. Synonyms: follower, supporter, convert, disciple. opposite: non-believer, unbeliever
  3. curse 詛咒、咒語、說咒語、施魔咒 /kɝːs/
  4. spirit 精神、鬼魂、幽靈 /ˈspɪr.ət/
    an evil spirit 惡魔
  5. evil 邪惡的,惡毒的、邪惡之事、罪惡行為 /ˈiː.vəl/
  6. deed (尤指很壞或很好的)事情,行為 /diːd/
  7. faith 某一宗教、宗教信仰 /feɪθ/
  8. :
  9. :。
  10. Santaizi
  11. Worshipper 信眾,worship v. 崇拜,膜拜
  12. participant
  13. talisman 符
  14. eight general 八家將
  15. contact with the deceased loved ones 觀落陰:
  16. : 庇護人,恩人,
  17. Mecca: 宗教聖地麥加。用以比喻其他有名宗教聖地。
  18. Taoism: 道教,普遍
  19. paper money / joss paper /
  20. 線香 incense stick
  21. burn the incense
  22. Buddhism: 佛教,不燒香不燒金紙,一種近似哲學的宗教,講究因果輪迴,來世再生,苦行僧的概念。

24.Buddhism: 佛教,不燒香不燒金紙,一種近似哲學的宗教,講究因果輪迴,來世再生,苦行僧的概念。
25.The leader of the parade( Zhentou): 陣頭¸傳統的表演藝術,
26.Sedan chair : 神轎
27.無神論者 Agnostic, 不相信神論者Atheist ,多神論者Pantheist
28.joss paper/ ghost money / spirit money :紙錢、金紙
burn joss paper 燒紙錢
31.divination blocks:筊杯
First, you have to introduce yourself, then you ask god a question and throw the divination blocks. They’ll tell you if god allows you to draw a fortune stick or not.
You’ve got a Shing-bwei, which means god has allowed you to draw a fortune stick. After you draw your stick, you’ll get a slip of paper. The poem printed on it will answer your question.
divination 意思是「占卜;算命」,block 則是指「塊狀物」,divination blocks 直翻就是「占卜用的塊狀物」,在此指的就是廟裡兩塊紅色半月形的「筊杯」。而「擲筊」動詞通常搭配 throw。
Drawing fortune sticks is a traditional fortune-telling practice in East Asia.
32.food offerings / sacrificial offerings 祭品
33.altar 祭壇
34. (n.)
35.死後(靈魂)的生活 afterlife /ˈæf.tɚ.laɪf/ the life, for example in heaven, that some people believe begins after death

