[香港] 香港聲音地圖

1 min readJul 16, 2020



AK is a professional sound engineer from Hong Kong who mainly collects or produces sound effects for theatres. Since 2016, he has been recording interesting countryside sounds in different places while hiking. Also, He has been producing online sound maps since 2018.


The sounds we are accustomed to, in fact, have always affected the small animals in the mountains. The louder the car or plane, the more the birds will increase their chirping decibels. When frogs mating, they call earlier or louder, and humans complain that they are too noisy. Respect nature, don’t leave any garbage behind, enjoy the moment, and enjoy the best of nature.

AK IN KK: Nature Field Recording HK:https://akinkk.com/

一幅畫勝過一千個字,而一段聲音,勝過一千幅畫。(A picture is worth 1,000 words but a soundscape is worth 1,000 pictures

美國音樂家及生態收音師Bernie Krause

參考資料 Reference

1.疫下無工開:飛機流量大減六成 收音師上山拾音建香港聲音地圖:最愛聽蟬合唱(果籽),
2.Sounds of the city: a Hong Kong audio engineer’s eye-opening mission to capture moments of life, https://youtu.be/oebIF-p3gF0
3.台灣聲音地圖計畫 Taiwan Sound Map http://www.soundandtaiwan.com/soundmap/twmap.html



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