牡蠣養殖 Oyster farming in Taiwan

2 min readAug 6, 2020


Taiwan’s west coast is the major agricultural centers for raising oysters (growing in seawater or the meeting area of saltwater and freshwater). There are three types of oyster farming depending on the water depths, and they are floating rack, upright rack, and cradle rack.

1.Floating Frame / floating rack
Rafts are held by items with buoyant force to float at the surface of the water and fastened by heavy stones. The growth of oysters is not affected by the depth of water in this system. This farming method is usually seen in areas with deeper water. Oysters growing underneath the water result in faster oyster growth and larger output.


2.Straight frame / upright rack (vertical hanging method)
The upright racks are usually seen in the inland Sea or tidal creeks. This method has bamboos located in coastal areas to suspend the seed oysters. Oysters at the top sometimes are exposed at the surface of the water. This method is suitable to apply at areas whose water level is about 30cm to a little more than 1m at the low tide.


Overturned frame/ cradle rack ( horizontal hanging method)
The rack culture can be adopted in shallow areas with a series of strings of oysters hung from each of the parallel ropes. When the tide sets out, most of the oysters are exposed above the surface of the water to receive sunlight. This method is usually applied in shallow areas.


After removing the oyster from the shell, oyster farmers dry the larger oyster shells in the sun and drill hole on each shell. 10 of the shells are hung together on one nylon string. Afterward, they could be re-used and placed in the ocean by tying on the bamboo frame as the bedding for the baby oysters to attach and grow.

Each shell can grow many baby oysters in the ocean. The ones that submerge in the water grow faster than the one above the water due to the high and low tide. After 6 months to 1 year, all the oyster shells are moved to salt marsh to have them grow “fat”, which may take one month or so.

1.慘不忍睹的廢蚵棚及保麗龍汙染。這是我們海岸沙灘現況 20190705–1


2.Upcycling ‘Beach Snow’: Clearing Taiwan’s Oyster Farming Marine Debris




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